A viral infographic attributed to the World Economic Forum (WEF) purports to show what our diets will look like in 2030. But WEF did not make this graphic. Let’s look at the facts.
NewsLit takeaway
Satirical content online is often mistaken as genuine — and in some cases, can ignite harmful conspiracy theories. Fact-checkers from USA Today found that this bogus infographic was likely created with humorous intent as it contained unreasonable and obviously false assertions, but it also connects to long-standing conspiratorial ideas about a "global agenda" to deliberately create food shortages. This ignited its spread among conspiracy theory communities.
Misinformation often contains a grain of truth, and in this instance an opinion piece on WEF’s website truly suggested diets could change as the global population grows and the farming industry shifts to more sustainable methods. This article, which does not represent an official WEF position, argued diets might include less meat and more fruits, vegetables, and alternatives like soy products, insects, or artificial meat by 2030. The infographic exaggerated these points (artificial meat became “upcycled citizens” and the possible addition of insects became “micro livestock”). Then it was further amplified by those who credulously shared it online. Some, for example, suggested food shortages were being planned to create the circumstances that would result in this diet. These dots – an opinion piece on a potential change in global diets and a claim that global organizations will force people to eat “upcycled citizens” – do not connect.
“WEF graphic on diet changes by 2030 is fabricated” (The Associated Press).
“Fact Check-Image purporting to show WEF graphic on what diets will look like in 2030 including ‘intermittent fasting’ is fabricated” (Reuters Fact Check).
“Fact check: 2030 diet graphic is satire, not created by World Economic Forum” (Hannah Hudnall, USA Today).
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