A viral graphic listing four alarming but false claims about monkeypox is being falsely attributed to BBC News. But it’s not authentic. Let’s take a look at the facts.
NewsLit takeaway
Doctored headlines and graphics falsely attributed to credible sources are often shared online to spread disinformation. Be wary of posts that include screenshots that make sensational, fear-inducing claims without including live links to credible sources. A quick internet search for any of these claims surfaces numerous fact-checks and is an effective way to debunk this viral post.
- “Fact Check-False claims CDC classified monkeypox as ‘airborne’ and a form of herpes stem from fake post impersonating BBC News” (Reuters Fact Check).
- “Image makes false claims about monkeypox and wasn’t shared by BBC News or the WHO” (Madison Czopek, PolitiFact).
- “Image falsely attributes monkeypox claims to BBC, health officials” (Angelo Fichera, The Associated Press).
- “Four False Claims About Monkeypox” Saranac Hale Spencer, FactCheck.org).
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